I’ve been putting together my packing list, and yesterday I made a large purchase from the North Face (PC volunteers get a discount). Schoolteachers wear uniforms in Paraguay, so I also made an investment in a couple navy bottoms and white tops. Other than that, I’ve been lurking on volunteer blogs and trying to wrap my head around the experience I’m about to have. I’ll be leaving on February 2 for Miami and leaving for Paraguay on the 4th.
I have approximately a million things to do: cleaning, passport applications, aspiration statements, etc, but I’ve been spending my (very few) off days lounging and reading up on Paraguay. Starbucks is still a drag, but at least there’s a definite end in sight. Hooray!
I stumbled across your blog and will also be going to Paraguay in February! I'm in the Rural Health and Sanitation program. Good luck with packing and preparing!